Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1997- Reload

Reload was suppose to be the second half to the double album load but was cut off and made into its album. Reload is a sad excuse for an album from Metallica. It would have been fine if an obscure band had released it, but that didn’t happen. Metallica was still held at the high standard in received with its “Black Album” in 1991. This follow up to Load was nothing the true fans wanted from Metallica. Overall the combined albums of Load and Reload did produce some good songs but the majority of the albums were filled with “filler” songs just to eat up time. Song of the notable songs on this album would have to be Fuel and The Unforgiven 2.

1 comment:

  1. Since you said that most of the songs from the albums were fillers...I would have to agree. After listening to the beat of the songs, it makes me either want to r*A-gE!!! or dance around and swing my non-existant hair as if it were techno based...but I enjoy them. The songs you picked out that you considered notable, I enjoyed as well. Very niiice.
